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Forum Posts

Buenas Luego de un de un apagado abrupto el servidor muestra un virtual drive offline y por ende el vmware no inicia:En esta server sobre el vmware corren 4 maquinas virtuales criticas como por ejemplo el call manager CUCM, me pueden ayudar a lograr ...

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Hi,  When running the compatability matxix  on https://ucshcltool.cloudapps.cisco.com/public/, I noticed that when you pick Citrix as Operating System, you get 2 options Xen Server 7.1 and Xen Server 7.1 LTSR. Can someone let me know what is the diff...

Dear Support, I have a s3260 server (UCSS-S3260) with a network card (UCSC-PCIE-C25Q-04 = Cisco UCS VIC 1455 Quad Port 10/25G SFP28 CNA PCIE) that is installed on the SIOC (UCS-S3260-PCISIOC) card in the server. This server is connected to a nexus sw...