Network Management

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Hi guys. I just purchase Cisco LAP-1042N for my office network expansion. When i console into the AP via serial. I am not able to used "configure terminal" command to set my AP name,static IP address. I tried using "debug lwapp console cli" command i...

Dear all,I was trying to move from snmpv2 to snmpv3forexample I have an access-list defined for rwand the snmp defined as below for snmpv2snmp-server host  xx.xx.xx.xx  v2c **************snmp-server community ********************* rw acl-aclnameFor b...

Hi,When I select Job Broser I get the following crash, LMS 3.2, server has been restarted but I continue to get the error :HTTP Status 500 -type Exception reportmessagedescription The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from ful...

Ian Beck by Level 1
  • 4 replies
  • 0 Helpful votes

I am new to EEM and am trying to create some simple functionality.  I would like to check a value of an oid every hour and send an alert if this value has changed since the last polling.  This oid is for dropped packets (discards). The oid is a cummu...

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