Switches - Small Business

Elevate your network performance with our selection of switches specifically designed for small businesses. Supported model families: CBS, SG, SF, SX
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Forum Posts

We recently announced the release of our self-serve virtual assistant. You can read the full announcement here. Videos and documents are available within a click for our latest products. Once you've told the bot what device you're using, the context ...

CoreyP319 by Cisco Employee
  • 1 replies
  • 0 Helpful votes

  (Updated September 2023 - Added Catalyst 1200 and Catalyst 1300 ) Hello! This sticky-post will serve as a sign-post for incoming community members. Below you will find links to pages that you may find helpful.  Catalyst 1200 & 1300 Hardware Install...

CoreyP319 by Cisco Employee
  • 1 replies
  • 16 Helpful votes

Hello, I have an SF300 and I was browsing to find which type of cabling I would need to buy, I understand that it's a female db9, but I was curious if it was any or if it had to follow a specific type. As well as if there's any recommendations for wh...

guzmang by Level 1
  • 5 replies
  • 0 Helpful votes

Hi everybody.I need to enable DHCP Snooping on Sw CBS250, but I can't find itAdmin, can you confirm if this feature exists?I did some research, but there's information that it doesn't exist?Thank you for supporting

minhnhd by Level 1
  • 1 replies
  • 0 Helpful votes
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Switch products supported in this community
Cisco Business Product Family
  • CBS110
  • CBS220
  • CBS250
  • CBS350
Cisco Switching Product Family
  • 110
  • 200
  • 220
  • 250
  • 300
  • 350
  • 350X
  • 550X