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HI ALL   could you please help me in my issue it still cant join conference call after put the conference code which requested from me after dialing the number of the meeting and the Cisco phone recognize the code as number and its like outing me fro...

Hello All ,i have 2 ip phones 7985 (with camera) regiesterd with ccm8.6 the handset of the first one was working fine but the other not working i swapped the handset between the 2 phones ,now none of the handset is working even after swapping them ag...

I was cruising CAR Device >> Trunk >> Utilization Reports the other day and saw that SIP_to_UC1 was hitting 100% utilization at 1100 & 1200.  So I checked SIP_to_UC2, and it was all zeroes.  Hmmmm   Went into CUCM Device >> Trunk and saw that While U...

RAustin70 by Level 1
  • 4 replies
  • 0 Helpful votes

Hello Experts, Some of our agents having hard time to logout from Extension Mobility. Here's what they do to logout: 1) Press on the service botton 2) Select Extension Mobility 3) Press Yes to disconnect from EM After pressing Yes, the screen display...

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