Hello! This sticky-post will serve as a sign-post for incoming community members. Below you will find links to pages that you may find helpful. Virtual Assistant- Discover support content and options for your gearSupport page index - Contains a ...
Hello! This sticky-post will serve as a sign-post for incoming community members. Below you will find links to pages that you may find helpful. Virtual Assistant- Discover support content and options for your gearSupport page index - Contains a ...
Hello,I've got a problem to set up wireless network with radius authentication.I've set up a CA and made a certificate for a user.I've set up IAS to accept connections.when i try to connect to my WIFI, it's refused :logs :Jan 3 2000 06:17:35infohosta...
Has anyone configured this setup? Is there a way to secure it?Thanks!
Hello,currently, the Captive Portal redirects me to its IP address for login ( Is it possible to redirect to fully qualified hostname? The problem is that by redirecting to IP address, you cannot use (wild...
Hi,we have the following setup:WRVS4400N is connected to the internet and we have WAP4410N in wireless client/repeater mode in other room (wireless signal from WRVS4400N is more than good), and a printer connected via LAN to the WAP4410N. For the fir...
HiWe are currently looking at setting up a very basic separate wireless network for a client in two adjacent large cabins (3m apart) that will support up to 100 clients max concurrently. This will be solely for contractors to access basic internet, c...
We have deployed a dozen Cisco WAP4410N (V2) access points throughout the company ( all of which have been upgraded to the newest available firmware ( & have imported a config from another AP).All these Access Points have are running in a sep...
Hoperfully someone can clarify my confusion as to whether the WRVS4400N can utilise a repeater to increase it's range.This thread https://supportforums.cisco.com/thread/2065036 suggests that it is not possible, but early on it states that there is no...
hi, I was trying to upgrade my WAP121 with the newest firmware, but during the upgrade procedure the AP stoped working. I have found it on a new ip, the fallback ip of It offered reboot and to have a recovery firmware. After trying bot...
I have a WAP321 that I want to designate for guests. The WAP is trunked to a Cisco 2960 via the native VLAN, and the switch is trunked (Etherchannel) to the inside interface of an ASA 5512. The WAP has a static IP address of, with defaul...
Hi, I have 4 WAP321 connect to SW300-8MP, use POE, configured in cluster (single point setup) After 5-7 day all AP are HUNG ( not respond to ping, can not acces http interface)Last time it happened an AP respond to ping and http while the rest were b...
hi,I've configured the 321 device, it's working fine for browsing.the problem I'm having is when I'm connected on the wired network I can watch an entire youtube video but when I'm on wifi on the 321 device the video at some point ...
Sir,Any body help me,i have Wap 4410n number of 9 Access point , we are configure and mount all of AP when i move all area then my network was disconnected ,i have configure bellow setting without controler are sugest me which controler i used,1) ...
MyWAP321 is dropping connections at least once a day since upgradiing to firmware before the upgrade I had no problems and I have another WAP321 with firmware that never drops connection. Is anybody else having this problem since up...
Hi team,I just wanted to crack my friends SSID password. (WPA2 Authentication).Is tat possible over tools like Aircrack-ng ??I bet him that i wil do soon..Please help me out guys.Nithin
Hello everybody.I am wondering if there's a way to create an admi user (let's call it "lobby admin") on the WAP321 which only has the rights to create/modify/delete local guest users. I wouldn't want to give full admin rights to the receptionist or w...
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