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Hi all,I have a customer who blocks direct access between CVP Server and the internet/cloud based web services. And requires us to use HTTP proxy in order to access the cloud based web services. What is the best approach to achieve this?1. Setup the ...

Hi,One issue we're discussing with our application's implementation of Finesse is how to correlate requests with responses.  This is particularly important for handling error scenarios in our application. E.g. If we get a Finesse response API error w...

Dear Cisco Folks,I need help please on how I can generate a report in cuic (UCCE 9.1.1) that captures total inbound and outbound calls made by agent. We have another system that can capture this but it has limited presentation and columns so we wante...

Hi experts, I created  a menu using VMenuField class, and try to use setGrammar(String ar[]{ }) method . But for some reasons it not working as expected.This is the code I used for creating Menu through VFCVField menufield = VBuiltInField.getNew(pref...

Hi all,        I'm new to vfc . In my project I need to write a custom voice element which is supposed to prompt single audio file, I didn't need any noinput or nomatch events. I wrote the below code in addXmlBody(****) method,here vxml is VMain refe...

I'm looking for a later example / sample to create a java class template to be invoked from an action element.  All I've been able to locate are samples from CVP 9.    I've tried these templates and have run into issues testing within CVP .(Debug)   ...

MikeHMirt by Level 1
  • 4 replies
  • 6 Helpful votes

Resolved! CS Lab vs Prod

Hi,I have compile and run my import program in Lab mode.  It works.Now, I understand that if I want to test with CCX IPIVR and Finesse 11.0, I need to compile in prod.I havent found a way to "Register" in prod, apparently there is not difference at t...

Hi,I'm using the following code to retrieve customer (I have answered a customer with that first name) : // Lookup Customers on Key/Value Pairs of PII Fields        Map<String, String> customerLookup = new TreeMap<String, String>(){{            put("...

Hi,We have a server-server interface with Finesse.As part of the user login process we connect to XMPP using the Java Smack library and subscribe to events for the user's "Dialogs" nodee.g.  /finesse/api/User/John.Smith/DialogsThis has worked fine un...

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