IP Telephony and Phones

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Before we upgraded to 8.6 when Phone A called Phone B and RNA, the call rolled to a hunt group , the members of that hunt group saw "From Phone A For Phone B"  now it show From Phone A for 1000" 1000 is the Hunt Group Pilot number.Any thoughts on how...

Hi:I have 2 CME in remote sites and I can't place a call between them, when I use codec g711ulaw the call is sucessful but with codec g729r8 not permit the call. The call disconnect cause is: Last Disconnect Cause is "41  ", Last Disconnect Text is "...

Hello,What is the best way to configure a call pickup for this scenario.Phone A, B and C are part of a customer service group.  Phone D is the operator who sits in the same room.Phones A, B and C would like to have the ability to pickup calls ring to...

After upgrade CER from to 8.5, I cannot login to the CER Admin webpageThe Cisco IDS service is stopped and cannot be started.When I rolled back version to Cisco IDS starts, but it continues failing on 8.5. The only pages available are...