IP Telephony and Phones

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Forum Posts

Hi all,Anybody helps me to create a tcl script like as:    Welcome to ABC. Please dial the extension number or 1 for your instruction. Thank you (Welcome.au)       After press 1.au : Sale department press 3100, Financial department press 3101,.... Pr...

Hi all,        We are using 2n officeroute as gsm gateway. and using PSTN lines as failover. Gsm gateway has got four sims. When all four sims are busy the fifth person dials a mobile number (mobile calls are routed via GSM gateway), CME tries to use...

Hi , Sorry for buzzing the forum with unity issues, but we are in the process of upgrading to the unity server 8.6 ( latest version ) from the current 4.2.x, and at the same time we would require some information on its integration with the microsoft...