Hi, Our receptionist voicemail is setup so that if he is not attending the calls the caller is greeted with a company message. The message instructions are clear but most people don't listen to it. The message states that if they know the party...
Hi, Our receptionist voicemail is setup so that if he is not attending the calls the caller is greeted with a company message. The message instructions are clear but most people don't listen to it. The message states that if they know the party...
Hi,We just moved a location from a PRI to a SIPTrunk. After correcting a few routing issues, another issue popped up. When a caller is dialing an outgoing number (XXX-XXX-6560), the call is going to an internal office extension 656...
Hello,I have a sip trunk configured on one site and it doesn't have a back tone.For example when someone wants to join a conference call or forward a call it doesn't hear the tone and digits are not sent.I already look into this community to find my ...
Hi..I'm hoping that I'm posting this in the right forum..In a nutshell, our HR dept consists of 5 ppl, it was brought to my attention that it seems as though a couple of users are getting more calls than others, so I want to come up with a way that i...
hiCan cisco AS5300 series convert TDM (E1) to SIP, signaling and voice?thanks
I configured an ATA. Its a CME based system. CME version 8.6I tested inbound and outbound faxes and it did work. But customer complained that some of their suppliers are having issues sending faxes to them.I tested once the fax went through and anoth...
Hey Guys,Please help me here, I can register single registrar and Multiple sip trunks. But the call doesnt go out without this command 'calling-info pstn-to-sip'.I need to send different caller id which is under the two different trunks. I have tried...
i want to know about CTI route point i have one number which is CTI and i want to forword this number on mobile. and this CTI number associate with uccx call agents .when agents are not present and one agent want to forword his phone on mobile ..so h...
Could someone confirm or comment if the "Public Space user license" from UC v8 is no longer required in UC v9 ?
Hello,The scenario in which we find is the following:SCENARIO: A PBX UC560, has some phones using SIP and a SIP trunk. Type text or a website address or translate a document.Cancel Example usage of " ":automatically translated by Google1.- UC560 ver...
Hi, I added additional DID number on our current CUCM, but it is not directing to the extension, it is directing to the current number auto answer, any idea?Voice Gateway config:!dial-peer voice 1 pots service aa incoming called-number 99112233!dial...
Two months before Cisco call manager was crash then we resotre the call manager. In ccm page its shows the current firmware was "SCCP11.9-1-1SR1S" Then I upload the SCCP11.9-2-1SR2S this version on cluster but 70% phones are no updating. I restart...
Hello allA client is asking if they could integrate our CUCM to use Microsoft for voicemail only, Cisco for phones, Microsoft for voice mail.if anyone could point to a document on this topic I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance
Has anyone ever experienced this. Customer does not have a CER, and is looking at the CDR records to determine who made calls to 911. For the exception of our test, no other 911 calls appear in the Call Detail Records (CDR). Yet the police station re...
Hi all,I have an issue with Cisco Unity Express (version 8.6.1, UCM 8.5). Generally everything works fine, but sometimes (often) the CUE stops working (fast busy tone is heard when calling the CUE). CTI ports are still registered.Reloading the CUE so...
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03-06-2025 12:59 PM | ||
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