I've been working with the user.GetQueues(userID) method and have found that when logged in as a supervisor the Queues collection returned is all queues assigned to agents on the teams I'm a supervisor of. If I manage Teams A and B, and Team A has Ag...
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Forum Posts
We are experiencing a problem when trying to execute a Rest API HOLD command on the agent in the active stateAfter sending the HOLD command to the Finesse we are getting the following Generic Error response: 2021-04-07T:15:12:09.006-0500 | Debug | HV...
Hey. Is there any documentation on limitations around the CCE API's and how many API calls we should be performing at any given time? Or any advice how we should be limiting or throttling use of the APIs? Finesse is what I'm primarily interested ...
Okay - this should be super simple but I'm having a brain fart that's lasted for a day. I'm working on an VXML app where I need to grab data entered in a previous digits with confirm node. I've tried both trying to store {Data.Element.Extension With ...
Resolved! Independent MRD states?
I wanted to give my agents the ability to pause inbound chats while still taking calls. However, in testing on an agent who is Ready for all MRDs, sending <Media><routable>false</routable></Media> to the chat MRD's endpoint causes the Voice status i...
Hi there, We have developed customer web desktop using Cisco Finesse rest API’s and everything is working. Now we are developing custom supervisor web desktop using Cisco Finesse REST API's. We are able to show team stats (all teams associ...
Hi all, I am looking for some help with this, I want to refresh the team data for supervisor and display the refreshed team data in table. For example, Suppose Supervisor Agent001 logged in , it will display all team data like Agent002, Agen...
Resolved! Refresh REST token for authentication
Hey everyone. I am developing a CVP 11.6 application that needs to authenticate a REST API. The token is only valid for a short time before needing to be regenerated. While I am able to check for a 401 and POST credentials to generate a new token ...
Hi , Can the timer on Preview dialing be set and if so how for PCCE? Can this be set per business area? Trish
Resolved! Finesse 12 components?
In Fin12, there's a few mini-gadgets across the header called components. The admin guide says that only Cisco-supplied objects are currently supported there, but I'm curious if there's been any movement on enabling 3rd party components? I checked ...
Hello, Does anybody know why the Call Costume Variable Report does not match the number of Handle calls total from Contact Service Queue Activity Report? I have removed all Contact Disposition and focus on the Handle (2) calls and still, it doesn't m...
Setting up a small trial flow in CVP 12.5 to communicate with a Google DF agent. I find that when I use the DialogflowIntent and DialogflowParam elements that CVP ignores the text defined within Google DF and instead uses the local TTS defined in my ...
I have created a button to display when call is active and in agent in TALKING status but noticed button is displaying when Agent trying to Consult with other agent(since agent status is TALKING) and would need help on how to hide this button for Con...
From below response body I'm trying to capture "type" from phoneNumbers array and this is the syntax I'm using $.phoneNumbers[1].type. It works fine as long as that array exists. However my REST response varies every time based on input and array siz...
I have created a button in Gadget to InitiateDirectTransfer logic which is working fine but when Agent is in TALKING status and Finesse failover from Primary to Secondary(Due to Internet connectivity issues after changing RED to GREEN banner on top) ...