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Hi, I have Cisco ISR4431 router. it has isr4400-universalk9.03.16.02.S.155-3.S2-ext.SPA.bin image. want to configure the top talkers. but it is not talking ip flow commend. Please help me in configuring the top talkers? Thanks Zia

Hello, I recently upgraded to a cisco 1900 router within our local area network. I have checked the "s" indicator on the back of the 1900 and it is showing 3 blinks of which identifies a 1Gb speed. This router is connected to our Cisco 2040 switch. M...

i have problem with our NMC Dep. .  we have Cisco ASR 1000 we need to add interface speed in this device in PRTG , i try to add by use many oid but cant added in our PRTG 

I'm looking for a script that will automate and verify IOS MD5 against known good. I would assume others must be doing it and if so is there any built in EEM or tcl scripts or place to get examples or shared sources. I'm not much of a programmer and ...

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