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Hello, We have an issue when trying to establish a client application connection to UCCE.After sending out an OPEN_REQ, we are getting back a FAILURE_CONF with status '88':'E_CTI_INVALID_MR_DOMAIN Media Routing Domain is invalid'.   Media Routing Do...

Hi,Platform - finesse 11.5I am trying to fetch events from CTIServer using the sample available on the internet (crsstisample). It works well when OPEN_REQ is sent with version 10, as shown below - connect -s -n 42027openreq -v 10 -t 0xf...

Need some insight if we establish a monitor mode connection with CTI Server vs connection to ctios server.what is the difference, i have heard that CTI server provides much more information that CTIOS, what sort of difference do we have, CTIOS probab...

For a use Case, we are interested to use Event Cause field that comes with Call Established event.When an agent makes an outbound call using CTI, We want to use Event Cause in Call Established Message to detect if the call is picked by Live Person, V...

ry9858 by Level 1
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I'm working on an ACD center application that drives displays. When using the CTI message server with UCCE, are there any events sent before a call is assigned to an agent?  Such as when a call is assigned to or leaves a skill group or precision queu...

Resolved! 11.6 UCCE

With the release of 11.6 UCCE, is the "CTI Server Message Reference Guide (Protocol Version 20)"  the latest and most up to date message guide? If not when is a new guide expected?ThanksMatt

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