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Hi Team ,I am building one  web application from my side, where i  need to get Realtime data and Historical data from this Cisco UCCE awdb/hds  DB .Queries:a. Whether its possible to get realtime SQL data from UCCE AWDB  to my third party application...

nila27 by Level 1
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Hi ,I want to modify a UCCX script to offer the calls normally to CSQ,  it will ring to an ready agent if no answer the call will be transfer to another CSQ , so even if the agent is Ready we need to re-route the call to another CSQ / Team when excee...

Hi team,Does where a way to change default CVP SIP timers for outgoing calls ?%_Timers-6-com.dynamicsoft.DsLibs.DsUALibs.DsSipLlApi.LlSM.client.Timers:  going to use the following SIP timers:Network Name = DEFAULT, T1=500, T2=4000, T3=16000, T4=5000,...

p.ekshin by Level 1
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hello dear community Webex,i can only transfer one call so what i mean is1. call come in2 pick up3 transfer the callthen it work! but when i do it now again and they are still in conversation i can't transfer the call then is ther someone who has a s...

Jesse999 by Level 1
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Hi,We have a need to parse all the sip headers in a Vxml application, is there a way to do achieve this? i have found articles to parse custom sip headers but couldn't find any reference where there is an vxml app to parse all the sip is...

azizshaik by Level 1
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