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The Great Selenelion

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Hello All,Can someone provide me how can we customize dashboard in CUIC.I know how to add report and etc in dashboard and its coming in normal view form, but i need those report to be view in chart, graph etc.Can any one help me in this request.Attac...

Resolved! Getting lost Call

Sorry for my english. I developing cti os application on delphi with cti os manager . Usualy all work fine, but i have next situation. CTI OS manager distribute task to agents. The agen recive call (CallType=eCTypeOOReservationPreview) and User closi...

ermoshinp by Level 1
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I am working on an upgrade from UCCE 7.5/Webview to UCCE 10/CUIC.  We put a version of CUIC in place, pointed at the old UCCE system, so that the customer can play with it.  Apparently, webview allowed for 1000 call types to be selected for a report ...

John Irey by Level 1
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Hi all,We have several customer that are requesting to have the ability for their agents to see the current time in an state, for example: Talking, Not Ready, Ready.. etc.This is because they get paid for comply with the times in their contract but i...

Resolved! Get queue (API)

Hi,I'm trying to use the api (Get queue), but when I call the URI I get the response -1The USER logged and subscribed on the queue have two roles Agent and Supervisor, What is the problem?- <Queue>  <name>NAME</name> <statistics>  <agentsNotReady>-1...

KandyOtero by Level 1
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I am trying to change a stock report - CSQ Call Distirbution Summary.  I need to have the interval reporting every 10 seconds rather than a minimum of 15 seconds.How can I review the stored procedure - sp_csq_call_dsitribution?Any other thoughts as t...