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Hello, we configured transfer using Subdialog return in call studio to label (with number) in ICM. But we have external script (invoke subdialog) vxml element and don't know how to return data from there, because we don't see CVP logs, vxml activity ...

JUSANBANK by Level 1
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I have enabled task routing in UCCE/Finesse 12. For the time being, operators have to select their readiness status inside the default task gadget. I would like to move the status selector above, like this:  Is this possible? Thanks in advance


Finesse support the sendchatmessage function used in CTIOS?Agent To Agent is not supported for teammessage used by Finesse.API is required.I need an API.

On Verion 12.5 of Contact Center ExpressWhen working with sample files. In this case using the following: The documentation states to copy sample files to the /...

netSpec1 by Level 1
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