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Hi,we are facing issue to configure CVP 10.5 Reporting server in Operations console. I was added through Device Management->Unified CVP Reporting Server->Add New we given all the required inputs and associated call servers as well.when i click on Sav...

sj7102 by Level 1
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We’re trying to create a report that tally’s up all of the calls handled for a specific Group # (customvariable3) and displays it per contact center area. I’ve included the xml Report Template Definition from our 8.6 environment. The result looks sim...

@Could you help us to solve our issue? It will be appreciated if you'll provide some solution for fixing given problem. We have Cisco UCCX 10.6 with included CRM-gadged. CRM-system records each call into local DB to provide in-CRM analytics.Operator ...

Has anyone been able to adapt an older DDE based CTI system successfully with a CTIOS deployment - yes i know DDE is old but unfortunately still have it the environment but need to get rid of the old CTI that used DDE

kumey by Cisco Employee
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Hello Finesse ExpertsI am developing finesse gadgets, and using external tomcat for hosting gadget specification files.During development process of gadgets, whenever there is a slight change in code, i have to redeploy my code on external tomcat and...

Hi,I'm trying to run a report for a single Agent over time an have values grouped by Month.  I don't see any examples of this.  The Report Def is using a Stored Procedure.  This is the output I'm hoping for (mockup), focus on Month column.  Any help ...

datuser01 by Level 1
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We would like to finely control how barge-in works on an initial prompt.  This is with Nuance 9.   This can be done in Nuance by resetting these two values for the prompt.  But how to do that with CVP?  I've tried setting these as VXML properties but...

Don Moore by Level 1
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We are having an interesting issue with how the CVP handles an "ambiguous result" from Nuance. This is in Spanish for a prompt that asks the caller to input an eight character alpha-numeric account number. In Spanish the names for the letters "V" and...

Don Moore by Level 1
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Hi,I am trying to write a smiple UCCX CTI Application to query agent status using agentLoginID but I am getting a failure_conf with status 7 and Text: " Invalid field, PeripheralID: 0"As far as I Unders...

We are a small call center environment and sometimes we will have a long EWT that will shorten considerably as a shift starts or employees return from a lunch/break/meeting.  We will then have agents available and calls in queue.  Conversely, there a...