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All - I have to show different call variable Layout based upon Workflow condition(inbound \ outbound).I have verified document, it was mentioned to create HTTP action with layout name in  "user.layout",what would be URL suppose to be configured in HT...

Hi everyone:we had CM upgraded to 11.0(1) on 3 months ago, Finess also upgraded to 11.0(1)client running Finess on IE10, but client report when they open any word/Excel file, Finess session on IE will be closed randomly.Has anyone experienced same is...

Hi,We develope softphone base on finesse api.When i'm transfer call from one phone to other we get 4 messages from finesse:Messgae 1:calltype : CONSULTdialogState: ALERTINGparticipant(caller) state:INITIATEDparticipant(agent) state:ALERTINGMessgae 2:...

michales by Level 1
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Hello! Since most modern web frameworks have adopted ES6 as their primary means/syntax for development, I was wondering if Finesse and JabberSDK work inside of ES6 classes and will they be compatible with a library like React?

When I start up Pidgin and configure it as per the for a user "Getting Started" Guide below receives the notifications correctly.However, by logging in Pidgi...

Hi All,          I want to validate a setting of type string.How can I achieve this. The below is my setting array.settingArray[0] =  new Setting( MENU_ID,   MENU_ID,  MENU_ID,  Setting.REQUIRED,  Setting.SINGLE,  Setting.SUBSTITUTION_ALLOWED,  Setti...

Hello Vikram,Yesterday and last week I didn't have problems with RuntimeException. And I thought that finally everything is fine, but I lanced today my application 3 times for the same Delta file. In 2 of them the DB crashed.We still have the problem...

I am looking for information on migrating from CAD to UCCX. I have two teams set up in UCCX currently and want to migrate the smaller team first. I am already running 10.6 mixed-mode, but am curious about two things:1. Has anyone used the Finesse mig...