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The Great Selenelion

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I have created a front end angular app that will fit as a third party application into finesse (gadget).I am able to communicate with the api I built specifically for getting and updating our internal database.I only get errors when calling the API t...


@david.macias  Good morning companions I have the following case.I have UCCX version as well as Finesses.There is a requirement that when an agent starts a session in a specific campaign, the system places it with the READY status aut...

Does anyone have the queries run by report? I'm looking to build a mapping document to replicate some of the built in reports from CUIC.I'm looking for the Agent Detail Report, Common Skill CSQ Activity Report, Detail Call CSQ Agent Report, Agent Not...

Hi Team,I am working on Whisper coaching using "updateMonitorType()". Silent monitoring working fine but when we update mode=silent to whisper then call converted into conference. is there any limitation in jabber version we are using "jabber Version...

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