Unified Communications Infrastructure

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Forum Posts

I need to migrate customer from VCS-C/VCS-E to Expressway-C/Expressway-E. We already have VCS as VM and the version is 8.5.1. We bought migration license from VCS to Expressway. My question is do we need to install new VM for Expressway or we can ad...

We are installing Prime Collab Assurance and Analytics 11.5 (Enterprise) and are wondering how it is supposed to auto-discover the endpoints that are working with TMS 14.6.2. TMS is discovered and managed by Prime Collab Assurance. Not sure where and...

Hello,Previously, I use Prime Provisionning to create and provision services for static users, it works.For the same Customer, CUCM and Unity user are now imported from LDAP.I add the changes in Provisioning processors (LDAP Auth + Sync).At this time...

Our "SOAP - Performance Monitoring APIs" service shutdown and restarted itself twice within 5 days. Would someone know what this service is dependent on, why might it be doing this and what are the best steps to stop this from happening?

Guys,   I have the following call flow:   Internet - > Expressway E -> Expressway C-> UCM -> VCS-C -> MX200G2 TP unit   I am working on migrating a customer from VCS with registered devices, to UCM with registered devices and Expressway for B2b. Part...